Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Pictures

Jo Carole and Paul brought us these pictures from their last visit to Guatemala! A decision on our case was supposed to be made two weeks ago, but instead our case was sent to the wrong court. The judge was supposed to make a decision this past Wednesday on whether or not to send our case to the correct court. It has been postponed until next week. No other news, but these pictures make us happy!!


Danny and Brittney said...

I pray that a decision is made very soon for your case. I keep praying we all get out of this torture soon. I check your blog often. Hope to see good news very soon for you. Here is our link:

Pam L said...

Love the pictures! Praying you get good news soon! The red tape just amazes me but unfortunately doesn't surprise me.
I'm so, so ready for things to turn around for all of us!